

SDVOBMALL.com is very efficient in warehousing. We possess almost 1800 supply warehouses where the goods are kept in a very keen observation so that everything remains safe and stored.
Warehouses are the places where the cargo goods and other products are kept in order to protect safe from the pollution and for storing also. A company is known by the warehouses because the more the number of warehouses, the more the capacity of storing goods and their shipment also.

Warehouses are equipped with proper ventilation and aeration system to keep the goods in the fresh air. We have a skillful person for warehouses who have a keen eye on your goods so that everything remains on a safe side.

We have 3 different types of warehouses:

  • Production Warehouses
  • Contract Warehouses
  • Distribution warehouses

SDVOBMALL.com has a proper management department for handling the different warehouses. This results in reduction of time when the product is allowed to leave from the warehouse. Your goods are our responsibility and we know how to serve for you.


455 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 230,Washington DC 20001

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Toll-Free: 888-805-2522
Fax: 888-905-6226

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Let’s face it, many USA base manufacturers and suppliers want to cash in exchange for products and many global customers will only pay by financial instruments for goods. With over 15 years of banking and letter of credit experience.


A CVE certified company located within a DC Hub Zone, we welcome your inquiries.
We are Pleased to announce Ghana Office Address
1030 Oyarifa Rd. Oyarifa Greater Accra P.O. Box CE 12303 Tema Tel : 0302952752 0201309630
Welcome to Ghana